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W A R N I N G !

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Friday, July 1, 2011

Getting the power indicator LED(s) working on Muse M20 EX3

At first I was cursing about how the Muse M20 EX3 does not have a power indicator LED. Turns out I was wrong.

There is, but it is so faint, it might as well don't be there.

I only noticed it because I saw a faint blue glow coming from the bottom side of the volume knob when the room is dark. In fact, even with the lights off, the light is so dim it cannot be captured on my camera.

So there is light behind the knob. So I pulled the knob out.

Four LEDs do the job of lighting up the blue glow.

But the light is blocked by the knob which is too fitting.

So pull the knob out until you get the amount of light you want.

How it should look like.

I don't know if this is a design flaw, problem during transport, or intentional. But easily adjustable power LED indicator is useful for me. You know how the newer monitors can set the power indicator light to off, so that you can enjoy the movie in total darkness?

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