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W A R N I N G !

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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sirius LCD repair part II

Back in Dec 2009 I repaired a Sirius LCD TV. This thing uses Teapo/cheapo (Japanese probably pronounce it that way) caps in multiple places. When I bought the replacement capacitors I forgot to check the temperature rating and bought new ones that are lower than what the Teapos are rated, so instead of all the capacitors I just replaced the single one that has obviously failed. It brought the TV back to life so I just left it like that.

Despite the lower temperature rating for a capacitor placed right next to a heatsink, the capacitor lasted more than two years.

A few days ago, the TV finally decided to go psycho flickered the backlight vigorously. I feared for the backlight and its inverter, because if either of them is dead it is virtually impossible to repair or replace.

Checked the power supply nonetheless. On first inspection nothing seemed out of place. But many times a capacitor can appear fine (no bloat, leak) but the inside has dried out. And these are Teapo caps. So I proceeded to change them anyway.

And after removing the capacitors, the cause of failure became clear -

Yupz, capacitors can pop from the bottom too, and it's hard to see when you're usually viewing from the top.

The ideal thing is to order new parts fit for the job, but today is Saturday and I need to know if the TV can be repaired like now so I know if I need to buy a new one. So I dumped the 1000uF 35V Panasonics that I have lying around inside.

At the same time I also removed the previously installed Panasonic and went totally overkill - Rubycon ZLH 2200uF 25V, bitch. If this (10000 hours @ 105°C and more than double capacitance and voltage ratings) doesn't last I dunno what will.

Problem solved, lets see how long this TV can last.

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