W A R N I N G !

W A R N I N G !

This page is full of non-facts and bullsh!t, (just like the internet and especially forums and other blogs), please do not believe entirely without exercising your intellect. Any resemblance to real things in reality is purely coincidental. You are free to interpret/misinterpret the content however you like, most likely for entertainment, but in no case is the text written on this blog the absolute truth. The blog owner and Blogger are not responsible for any misunderstanding of ASCII characters as facts. *cough* As I was saying, you are free to interpret however you like. *cough*

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dead blog revival and a change in direction

The last published post was... 6th of September last year and it wasn't even a full review. Also, 3 posts between June and September and none thereafter.

I was clinically (figuratively or literally?) addicted to World of Tanks in the past 6 months. I played whenever it was possible. Didn't study as much (well previously I would study when I got bored enough, which happens fairly easily), watched almost no Anime, and didn't do all the stuff that needed to be done when I have free time. Well, things are going to change for the better.

Anyway, back to the blog. Yea, WoT is probably the main reason why I didn't post anything for so long, but there is more to it. Originally this blog was titled "wwenze's tech, audio and Anime rant page", but around 1.5 years ago I decided to act more professionally, renamed the blog to its current name, posting mostly reviews and such kind of stuff and avoiding talking about Anime. But "reviews and such kind of stuff" posts are hard to come by, because products and discoveries are hard to come by and even if I have the product the capability to make a good review is hard to come by. So naturally posts become few and far between.

And audio... well audio is the main meat of this blog. However the more I know about it, the more I think it is stupid (the industry, not the science), and the less enthusiastic I become. I've stopped caring about new products for a while already. So don't expect a sudden explosion of audio posts anytime soon.

For a while I've been considering giving the Anime part its own blog. But since this blog is currently on life-support, I might as well use it to resume talking about Anime stuff. So... yup, I'm going to break the unwritten rule of not talking about Anime.

And yes, expect an Anime post soon. Actually, expect a series.

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