W A R N I N G !

W A R N I N G !

This page is full of non-facts and bullsh!t, (just like the internet and especially forums and other blogs), please do not believe entirely without exercising your intellect. Any resemblance to real things in reality is purely coincidental. You are free to interpret/misinterpret the content however you like, most likely for entertainment, but in no case is the text written on this blog the absolute truth. The blog owner and Blogger are not responsible for any misunderstanding of ASCII characters as facts. *cough* As I was saying, you are free to interpret however you like. *cough*

Monday, October 26, 2009

This is why you don't need fast internet:

1mbps plan gives ~100kB/s real dl speed

100kB/s x 60s/min = 6MB/min

= 360MB/hr

= 8640MB/day ~ 8GB per day

How often do you dl 8GB worth of stuff?

And if your dl speed is slow (~10-20kB/s) due to various reasons, all the less reason you should subscribe a faster plan.

Unless you enjoy paying more than $60 per month for the bandwidth and free gift that you don't need.

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